This site is new. Please sign up (anonymously) for updates on meetings.
Dopamine Anonymous is a fellowship for those seeking freedom from dopamine-driven behaviors, which often underlie many other addictions. Some addictions driven by dopamine include: alcohol, amphetamines (Adderall, Ritalin), benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium), caffeine, cocaine, food addiction (binge eating disorder), gambling, marijuana/cannabis, methamphetamine, nicotine/tobacco, opioids, prescription stimulants, sex addiction, shopping/spending, social media, video games, work addiction, and more.
12 Step recovery is rooted in the time tested truth that we don’t recover in isolation. As the saying goes, "If I could have done it alone, I would have done it a long time ago."
While Dopamine Anonymous is still in its early stages, we are building a community of like-minded individuals who are ready to step out of the painful cycles of dopamine addiction.
We don’t have meetings yet, but we have created a sign-up form. The more people who sign up, the more our community can grow. All sign-ups are completely anonymous, and your information will never be shared. Once enough people express interest, we’ll notify you when meetings begin in your area. And a reminder, that any two people who want to recover can call themselves a meeting. Find others and you will find a solution.
If you and another person are ready to start a meeting, we encourage you to do so! Let us know, and we’ll list it here and help you connect with others. Together, we can create a space for healing, one step at a time.
We are excited to support you in your process.
Check out 21 Potential Signs of a Dopamine Addict.
This fellowship is not about avoiding dopamine altogether. Dopamine is not only a wonderful part of our lives, it is literally essential for survival. It drives our executive function and is a central driver of the pleasure we need to pursue happiness and fulfillment. However, in a world designed to deliver fast rewards, our nervous systems can fall into a destructive feedback loop: where managing our emotions through short term rewards leave us feeling depleted, disconnected and depressed, leading to cross addiction, isolated and in some cases death.
12 Step recovery is designed to realign how we relate to ourselves, our communities and the world, one day at a time. We hope you'll join us on the road to a joyous and free life.
It's been said that you can define addiction as "the illusion that we can find fulfillment alone." Join us on a road.